An exercise to regulate your nervous system

Here’s a body-based exercise you can use to help regulate your nervous system.

This is one of my favorite practices for attuning to the present moment, especially when I feel disconnected or anxious. It helps open the door to being present in the moment, escaping feelings of anxiety, and feeling stuck or out of control. Here’s how you do it!

  1. Take a moment to pause. Name five things you can see.

  2. Take a moment to notice. Name four things you can feel.

  3. Name three things you can hear.

  4. Name two things you can smell.

  5. Name one thing you can taste.

I like to close this practice in a prayer of gratitude, thanking the Lord for the ability to take control over my day, rather than being taken captive by it. I also thank God for my senses that help me feel anchored to the present moment, and for His creation that often reveals His character.

Our nervous systems benefit so much from both mindfulness and gratitude. Try out this exercise, and let us know how it goes!


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