Regulate Your Nervous System With Sound Therapy

  • You were designed for human connection

    Subconsciously, your God designed nervous system is always looking for cues of safety from other people through things like tone of voice, body language, + facial expressions.

    But if you struggle to interpret these cues of safety due to past experiences or the way you take in information, your brain and body can misinterpret these cues, limiting your ability to connect in a meaningful way, which fuels survival mode. The specially designed tunes inside SSP, send cues of safety to retune your nervous system, which can help you feel more settled, engaged, and balanced.

  • How Does SSP Work?

    Through the specially filtered music, the SSP sends cues of safety to your nervous system, building the foundation for awareness, embodiment and resilience. You can learn more here.

  • Listen From Anywhere

    As a Certified Unyte Practitioner, Megan will work with you to determine your unique starting point and then you will receive access to your program to listen from the comfort of your own home.