Biological Truths through a Biblical + Holistic lens

“Our bodies are interconnected. One of the most powerful things a Christian woman can do is honor this truth and steward her vessel accordingly.”

-Megan Taylor

Megan Taylor Megan Taylor

Body Fat, Cortisol, + Mental Health

Discover the impact of chronic stress on body fat and mental health. Explore the connection between cortisol, stress, and excessive abdominal body fat. Learn how obesity can influence hormone balance and contribute to anxiety and depression. Find out why it's important to listen to the messages our bodies are sending and break the cycle of yo-yo dieting. Explore the link between chronic stress, body fat, and overall well-being.

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Megan Taylor Megan Taylor

Are you numbing Your pain or tuning into it?

Numbing the pain receptors you feel when you place your hand on a hot stove, so you can keep it there, does not change the truth your God Designed physiology is trying to telling you: your flesh will burn if you do not take action + remove it.

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Megan Taylor Megan Taylor

Biological Truth through a Biblical Lens: Lessons from Esau.

Are you selling your birth right each day due to lack of physical and spiritual nourishment?

Lack of physical and spiritual nourishment makes us vulnerable to temptation and changes our view of the world around us. It will lead us to buy into a false narrative, instead of God's narrative. This happens due to the fact that we begin viewing the world through a lens of survival mode, and as a result, it impacts our thoughts, behaviors, and actions and gives Satan a playground to work in.

The story of Esau is a perfect example of that.

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Megan Taylor Megan Taylor

An unpopular, but freeing Truth

Living in survival mode is a barrier to optimal health in the life of a Christian woman. This article will discuss hormone imbalance and the affects stress has on your body from a Christian perspective + World view. Read more to learn why.

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