What is Functional Medicine?

I wanted to set a foundation for those new to functional medicine and explain a little bit more about what you will see on this page 
Functional medicine seeks to determine how and why illness occurs and restores health by addressing the root causes of disease for each individual.
 Rather than simply treating the symptoms, functional medicine takes into consideration a person's unique genetics, environment, lifestyle, and medical history to create a personalized treatment plan. As a functional medicine practitioner, I use a combination of natural and traditional techniques to help my clients achieve optimal health and wellness.

The goal of my work with clients is to help them achieve long-term health and vitality, rather than simply treating their symptoms and offering a quick fix.

My passion for functional medicine began when I was faced with my own struggles that conventional medicine could not explain or help with.
These included:

Brain fog


Weight gain

Chronic Fatigue

Constipation Pain




Heavy menstrual bleeding and cramping

When I got to the roots, I was able to begin to support my body metabolically, start detoxing excess estrogen appropriately, working on my digestion and replacing missing nutrients.
 My energy is finally back, I got off medication I was told I would need to be on for years, my mood is stable, my brain fog has lifted, and my body is slowly releasing weight.

I have successfully helped countless women reverse their symptoms as well. The best lesson I have learned is that my body was responding exactly as it should in the environment I was creating for it. Our bodies are incredibly designed, we just sometimes miss their cries for help by silencing symptoms with quick fixes.
I love the tree in this picture because it resembles the human body. Consider the branches of a tree as your metabolic system. How they function has a lot to do with the content + quality of the soil and the roots. You cannot just treat the leaf of a tree and expect it to properly flourish. You must look at the roots and the soil in which you are asking it to thrive in.
Same is true of the human body. However, today, our current health care model often focuses on the leaves of a tree instead of the roots and soil. I’m thankful for this experience and knowledge because I have even more empathy with my clients.

One of my favorite things is the “light bulb” moment that happens when clients begin to realize the power of getting to the root of their problems.

I love educating, empowering, and inspiring women on their journey and on this blog you will get a glimpse of that!

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.


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