An unpopular, but freeing Truth
There are so many programs out there trying to get you to buy into the lie that you can balance your hormones with a new work out program, body work, detox protocol, supplements, nutrition, + medications. But the unpopular truth is: those things are only one piece of the puzzle.
And many people often end up spending thousands of dollars only to realize that there is a key missing piece: their perception and the way in which it is influencing their body at a cellular level. I cannot tell you how many clients have had body work done and then have not been equipped to handle the emotions that come up with it. Or have been through major detoxes + nutrition + work out plans + protocols and still feel off and often end up getting worse because they thought those things were the answer. The thing is, your emotions + perceptions also fuel hormone imbalances. You have a mind body connection. And so many people end up having to circle back to this truth and do the inner work in order to progress... Here is why:
Your God designed hypothalamus is constantly assessing the world around you and it's job, when it comes to hormone balance, is to communicate with your pituitary gland that you are safe or not based on your perception of your environment. Depending on the message it receives, the pituitary gland then speaks to the ovaries, thyroid, and adrenal glands, and tells them which hormones to secrete. Your hormone balance always starts in the brain. Which is why your perception + emotions play a huge role in your overall health.
An example of a message that can lead to imbalances.
If your body receives the message that it is in danger, it secretes adrenaline which impacts cortisol. Short term, this is helpful, long term however, it leads to chronic cortisol production which will:
Decreases your muscle mass in an attempt to make more glucose available and in an attempt to slow down your metabolism to protect you because it thinks food supply is low.
As you develop a slower metabolism, your body fat levels go up and clothes get tighter and this is when women tend to decide "oh I better go on a diet," but when they are already in a chronic state of stress, that is actually confirming to their body that the danger of low food supply is true and that is why going on an extreme diet can actually lead to a mess of things like fat storage + estrogen dominance which impacts progesterone + blood sugar, and will lead to thyroid imbalances, insulin resistance, PCOS, endometriosis, insomnia, anxiety + depression, and more.
Can supplements, cold plunging, somatic work medications, nutrition + work out plans work ? Sure!
They can be incredible tools. But sometimes they also just get in the way. And the truth is, you cannot trick your body into thinking it is safe. And to solely rely on those things while ignoring your emotions + perceptions of the world around you, is doing yourself a disservice. What needs to happen, is awareness of what stimulates stress hormones in your body, because the over production of stress hormones is what leads to hormone imbalances, weight problems, digestive issues, thyroid dysfunction, chronic fatigue, anxiety + depression, and so much more. It is not just a deficiency of supplements, medications, and exercise.
With that in mind, let's pause and ask what leads to the God designed body producing adrenaline and running on stress hormones?
Avoiding crucial conversations
Over consumption of caffeine
Skipping meals, low blood sugar, not eating enough carbs
Perceptions of pressure and urgency
Over exercise + under nourishment
Being highly concerned about what people think of you and desire for approval
Feeling a lack of purpose in life
Running late, keeping up with emails, comparison on social media, body image, marriage issues, ruminating on past conversations, + childhood wounds + core beliefs.
If this is not corrected, it leads to a constant cycle and worsening symptoms.
This response is actually God given to protect us during times of wars + famines. + dangers. However, our bodies were not meant to live in a chronic state of perceived stress and today, unfortunately most of our stress is psychological.
But that does not mean it is not having a profound impact on our body at a cellular (and spiritual level).
We are so fearfully and wonderfully and woven together. And honoring that truth and supporting it, is where freedom comes. It is also where proper stewardship our of God designed body + spiritual vibrancy emerges. And it is all Biblical. It just so happens people are stealing these ideas to manage it from God and building unbiblical programs that make things worse in the long run.
But Megan, how do we honor that truth and keep it Biblical? Well, it is one thing to know information. It is an entirely different story to be equipped with ways to apply it and begin making changes to enhance your physical, spiritual, and mental health while keeping God at the center of the process.
Realizing the power of the fact that your body is interconnected, down to your mindset, spiritual health, physical health + stress hormones, is a huge step toward not being taken advantage of each year with quick fixes. But learning how to use this information, take action, and keep God at the center, is what will transform your life. This is where Aligned + Renewed comes in as you learn:
How to map your personal stress timeline + nervous system and learn how it has been influencing you physically + mentally + what to do about it.
What it means to be triggered and what to do about it.
How to biblically do the hard inner work instead of suppressing it.
How to tune in and learn how your childhood has impacted your belief system + current habits.
How toxic shame can cause stress hormone production and what to do about it.
How to let go of resentment and choose forgiveness, biblically.
How to partner with your God designed nervous system instead of being hijacked by it on a daily basis.
Click here to start your journey!