the origin of human consciousness.

Dear Christian women, it is time to reclaim the narrative of the mind body connection + the origin of human consciousness.

Here is how + why:

Here is how: build your awareness of opposing views of our origins, guard your heart against them, and be ready + able to provide a defense for your beliefs (1 Peter 3:15).

Here is why: there are two ends of the spectrum among scientists + philosophers that influence current thinking surrounding the origin of the mind-body + spirit, that you should be aware of.

Monalists + Dualists.

On one end of the spectrum, lies the monistic materialist (monalist) concepts + worldview.

These concepts are created by experts who do not believe in religion and think that the human mind is only made of physical matter and controlled by complex processes in the brain. There are different types of monists, some who don't believe that mental events exist at all, and others who think that mental events are just physical events described in a different way. This way of thinking not only dominants modern thinking today, but it highly influences healthcare we receive + how we view morality.

Influenced by this concept, John G. West, who works at the Discovery Institute in Seattle, says that modern science, which is mostly focused on natural explanations, shows our actions are only influenced by our genes and the environment.

This belief has dangerous implications, like it’s counterpart, Behavioralism.

According to this view, mental states and operations are nothing but physical states and operations. In the field of psychology, materialism becomes what is known as behaviourism, which proclaims that all humans behave in a purely mechanical way in response to external stimuli” - Paul Davies. The problem with this? Through this lens, since your mind is matter and bound by the laws of physics, you no longer have free will.

Which means you cannot be blamed for your behavior in life because it is the fault of the environment you were raised in. The danger + issue with this view is that it gets rid of the concept of free will + moral responsibility. This view also makes the claim that humans have no “spiritual” component, and we evolved from lower animals.

Dualists on the other hand, maintain that the brain and the mind are two distinct beings. Dualism is influenced by men like Philosopher Rene Descartes + Augustine, who are known for the saying, “I think, therefore I am.”

“René Descartes is generally considered to be the originator of the modern mind-body concept. He argued that the essence of physical bodies is their extension in space, while the mind is a substance which does not extend in space, but which thinks. He believed that mind states and physical states are mutually interactive—through the pineal gland in the brain. He influenced the rise of Cartesian mind-body dualism that still influences modern scientific thinking in this field.

“In an article—“Scientists in Search of the Soul”—that he wrote for Science Digest, Science writer John Gliedman admitted: From Berkeley to Paris and from London to Princeton, prominent scientists from fields as diverse as neurophysiology and quantum physics are coming out of the closet and admitting they believe in the possibility, at least, of such unscientific entities as the immortal human spirit and divine creation” (Harry and Thompson, 2003).

One of those scientists I have personally been very intrigued by is Dr. John Eccles. Here is why:

According to the laws of physics, it has been generally believed that nonmaterial mental events have no effective action on neuronal events in the brain. Dr John Eccles, extensively studied the connection between the mind and the brain for many years and was even awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology of Medicine in 1963 for his groundbreaking research on the synapse, which is the point where nerve cells communicate with the brain. His research strongly supports the age-old religious belief that humans are made up of a mysterious combination of physical matter AND intangible spirit.

Norman Geisler in the book “The Collapse of Modern Day Atheism,”shows how powerful Dr. John Eccles work is with this quote:

“The extreme form of materialism believes that mind (or soul) is matter. More modern forms believe mind is reducible to matter or dependent on it. However, from a scientific perspective, much has happened in our generation to lay bare the clay feet of materialism.

Most noteworthy among this is the Nobel Prize winning work of Sir John Eccles. His work on the brain demonstrated that the mind or intention is more than physical. He has shown that the supplementary motor area of the brain is fired by mere intention to do something, without the motor cortex of the brain (which controls muscle movements) operating. So, in effect, the mind is to the brain what an archivist is to a library.”

By honoring the mind, body, + spirit connection + embracing a dualist interactionism view, you rebel against modern day thinking + evolutionary beliefs.

In case you need a reminder: you did not emerge from an animal. While your environment does impact you, you are not a victim to it and can make changes.

Your intentions make a difference on your nervous system, you have a moral obligation + free will to make certain choices. You came from an incredible Intelligent Designer who made you with a Mind, body, + consciousness + Whose Spirit is your Helper as you navigate living in a broken and fallen world.

Science backs up the concept of a supernatural origin of human consciousness, (the “soul) + a biblical narrative explains it. In a world that is force feeding children the materialist view, I long for the day when reclaim the actual truth written in our physiology + in the living Word of God.

Want to learn how to approach inner healing + nervous system work through a Biblical lens? Check out our 12 week program Aligned + Renewed.


Eccles, John - How The Self Controls Its Brain (1994).

Harrub, B and Thompson, B. (2003). Excerpt From The Truth About Human Origins Brad Harrub, Ph.D. and Bert Thompson, Ph.D.


Scientific foreknowledge in the bible


you are fearfully and wonderfully made