Your Thoughts are an Invitation

When you think or say the words,

"I feel so stressed," this is an opportunity for you to tune in, dive deeper, and start asking questions.

A Helpful Question to Start With:

What is this feeling really about?

Our thoughts have the potential to increase our stress response, which impacts us physically, spiritually, and mentally, so one of the most powerful practices you can cultivate is tuning in and asking this question. The next step is to go deeper with questions like this:

"Have I eaten enough nutrient + mineral rich foods to keep my body nourished + to support my stress response?"

"Have I spent time with God, and in His word and in prayer today to reassure myself of His promises?"

"Is this feeling or reaction I am having towards a certain situation in life rooted in a past event?"

"Am I ruminating over a past conversation?"

"Am I stressed because I feel out of control of my day?"

"Do I need to slow down and reduce my obligations and set better boundaries?"

Go deeper + tune in without distraction.

What if I cant?

The inability to tune in without distraction or to sit still with your thoughts is often an indication that being still and being with your thoughts feels unsafe to your body. Exploring that can often open up windows of opportunities to create safety to help this process.

This is where having tools to help this process, and to help build capacity, + the grit to dig deeper through journal prompts, regulating physically, brain retraining, + neuroplasticity activities come in.

Ive been there. I broke free and I have helped countless women do the same. Which is why I created an entire 12 week course to walk you through the process. This does not discount the power of working with a therapist or medication for the season you are in. It is a simple tool to empower you to take control + start getting your power back.

Every day you have two narratives to buy into:

My stress response, thoughts, beliefs, reactions + actions control me and I run disconnected + on autopilot, constantly reactive to my environment.


I am in control of my thoughts, beliefs, + reactions + actions and with awareness + care of my physical body + the power of the Holy Spirit working in me, and God's word guiding me, I have authority in my life.

We cannot control what happens to us on a daily basis. The trick is to control how we respond to it. There is so much power in cultivating awareness + taking your thoughts captive on a daily basis.

Which narrative are you choosing to buy into and live in each day?


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