What is Copper Dysregulation?

Copper dysregulation is an overlooked root cause of anxiety, fatigue, OCD, insomnia, depression, ADHD, thyroid dysfunction + more. Let’s talk about it!

Our bodies need copper. It is an extremely important metal that the body uses for many functions such as:

- helping the body properly absorb iron.

- loading ferritin to iron

- promoting a healthy metabolism

- plays a role in making ATP

- protects the body against oxidative stress

- we use copper to get rid of excess serotonin (which serotonin is necessary but too much can have an impact on mental health and digestion).

- helps keep our nerves, connective tissue, and bones healthy by working with vitamin c

- signals brain to make thyroid hormone

- helps with nerve conduction. It is a cofactor in the conversion of dopamine into norepinephrine.

The problem is when when we have too much free copper resulting in lack of bioavailable copper.

Copper overload

This is often overlooked and in medical school it is taught that copper toxicity is rare. While this is true, there is another form of copper overload that is concerning and very common: elevated free serum copper.

Left free in the body on its own, copper will cause havoc on every cell it can touch. So the body binds it in a protein called ceruloplasmin. This reduces the amount of free copper circulating. Zinc will also counteract some of the effects of copper in a myriad of ways.

However, what happens in someone who has a diet low or in bioavailable copper (ceruloplasmin) and inadequate levels of zinc? Or someone supplementing with supplements loaded with copper and their body cant keep up or regulate it?

They can end up with symptoms due to levels of high unbound, unusable copper in their system.

  • It should also be noted that they can also end up with symptoms of low copper due to copper being unbound and unusable. The root issue is copper dysregulation resulting in unusable copper.

What are the causes?

  • Can be passed in utero

  • Hormonal birth control

  • Copper IUD

  • Long term vegan/vegetarian

  • Copper supplements

  • Post pregnancy

  • Heavy antibiotic or other heavy medication history (impact liver/gallbladder)

  • Lack of vitamin A in diet

  • Lack of bioavailable copper foods

What are the symptoms?

High copper:

  • worsening anxiety

  • fatigue

  • OCD

  • insomnia

  • infertility

  • cyclical PMS symptoms (acne, mood swings)

  • skin issues

Low copper:

  • anemia

  • fatigue

  • cold sensitivities

  • poor liver function

  • vision loss

  • difficulty with memory

What can we do to prevent this?

For starters, increase intake food sources of bioavailable Copper and Vitamin A.

Vitamin A is needed help make copper bioavailable in the body.

Copper Food Sources:

  • Oysters

  • Bee Pollen + Royal Jelly

  • Mushrooms

  • Cacao

  • Liver

Vitamin A food sources:

  • Grass fed eggs

  • Grass fed dairy

  • Desiccated Beef Liver

  • Fatty Fish + Cod liver oil

Struggling With Severe Symptoms?

Test, don't guess. What gets measured, gets management. Get testing with a functional practitioner who is copper informed and trained in analyzing blood work + ratios.


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