What Does my liver Do?

Your liver is an organ in your God designed body responsible for detoxification, blood sugar. + hormone balance, and so much more. Your liver detoxes in phases and it needs certain nutrients in order to do so. You can see how when we have a diet low in nutrients, it can slow down the detoxification process and lead to many issues.

Toxins go through a process of phases to be eliminated. This process is called the biotransformation of toxins. In order for this to happen effectively, fat soluble toxins need to be converted to water soluble so they can be excreted.

Here is an visual I love:

I have heard many providers laugh at the idea a detox and they are quick to say, "oh the body doesn't need help to detox because it has organs that does that for us." True. But the organs are also dealing with chemicals in food, toxic overload due to fragrances in things like perfumes and candles, medications, supplements, pesticides, xenoestrogens, BPA in plastics, and so much more. On top of that, many people are not getting the nutrients their liver needs to actually to its job. When it can't do its job, this process is disrupted and as a result, symptoms begin presenting in the body.

How do I know I need liver support?

  • Acne or eczema – As the liver’s ability to clear toxins is diminished from congestion, the body will push these toxins out through the skin

  • Gaining weight below your bra line (also known as a liver roll)

  • Hormonal anxiety + feeling easily angered or short tempered

  • PMS

  • Waking around 1-3am.

  • Overheating easily

  • Iron deficiency

  • Floaters in your vision

  • Waking up hot in the night

  • Feeling like you bloat easily

  • Hormone imbalance –When the liver is congested, Excessive liver congestion can reduce the clearing capability of the liver to eliminate steroid hormones, resulting in toxic overload internally. (Estrogen dominance like I mentioned in the caption).

  • High cholesterol: Liver function complications can hinder the organ's ability to produce or clear cholesterol.

    In light of this, how can I support my liver?

    1. Reduce stress. Stress can reduce blood flow to the liver and cause many other issues (this is why I talk about it all the time ;) We have an entire 12 week program inside the Aligned + Renewed Collective to help you tune into your stress response + take tangible steps to begin the healing process.

    • Avoid drinking caffeine an empty stomach first thing in the morning. Your liver and adrenals are interconnected and when you drink caffeine on an empty stomach first thing in the morning, it can spike your stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol dysregulation can lead to liver fatigue and gallbladder dysfunction.

    • Use digestive bitters before meals (these help break down food for digestion + support bile flow)

    • Increase your protein intake! Most people are not eating enough protein. Your liver needs amino acids via diet

    • Walk after meals to support a balanced blood sugar.

    • Lower your toxic load. Start slowly switching to low tox house hold products like Branch Basics. EWG.com is a great reference. Dry brushing before you shower is also a great way to support detoxification.

    • Be mindful of the nutrients that are being depleted (especially b vitamins) if you are birth control. Many forms of birth control are known to lead to liver congestion

To learn more about your God designed liver, check out the Aligned + Renewed Collective for exclusive videos + helpful PDF protocols’s.


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Dear Christian women, it is time to reclaim the narrative of the mind body connection + the origin of human consciousness. Here is how + Why: