She Didn’t Need More Information… She needed Inspiration + A Plan of Action
It was another Sunday evening where she felt overcome with the Sunday scaries. She knew she would have to wake up and face the work week tomorrow and she was overcome with anxiety and dread.
She felt so drained after a long day of wrestling to put her kids in the car and rush to Sunday morning and evening services and arguing with her husband along the way.
After she put the kids to bed, washed the dishes in the sink, and folded the laundry. She kissed her husbands forehead and went upstairs, while he laid on the couch immersed in a new TV show. She climbed into the shower and the tears started rolling down her face.
"Please God, send help." She prayed. She finished her shower, put on her favorite comfy, climbed into bed and tried to go to sleep.
The next day, after a terrible nights sleep, it was another Monday morning and she finally got out of bed after hitting her alarm for the third time. She felt drained and discouraged after the hectic weekend.
"I can't keep living like this," she thought, as she put on her slippers and headed to the kitchen for a fresh cup of coffee.
While waiting for her coffee to brew, she opened up Instagram and started scrolling. "Ugh, everything is overwhelming. Apparently stress is going to kill me, there is literally so much information of what to eat and how to live and now every ingredient is toxic? What can I even pack for lunch? Why am I even trying to eat healthy..."
Discouraged, she almost closed the app, but then a certain post caught her attention. It was a screen shot that said this:
Captivated, she wanted to learn more, so she clicked on the link and saw an enrollment fee to begin a new course. Pausing to realize she had actually prayed for help the night before when she was crying in the shower, she decided this could possibly be the answer, so she enrolled.
She listened to Module One on her way to work, and burst into tears of relief as she sat in the parking lot before heading into her shift. Sitting in her car and praying before her shift was a common practice she did before work because her job stressed her out and something about sitting in silence before walking into a crazy work atmosphere felt soothing.
So she sat, and she listened. And as the tears ran down her face she thought to herself:
"This person get's it."
"I now understand why I have been living this way..."
She felt a moment of relief. And became inspired and realized she was tired of going through the motions each day...
So, she took action with the knowledge she was given...
She made a promise to herself to actually complete + stick to something she spent money on. She made an intention to continue to listen to the 12 week course. And came up with a plan to listen to the Modules on her way to work and decided after each module she would commit to completing the journal prompts each night and stick to it.
She wanted that breakthrough and this felt like a promise she was keeping to herself for once.
Time went on and each week she learned powerful knowledge that led to massive breakthrough in her life. It began to trickle down to her marriage, her parenting, her relationships, and even her perception of life + God.
One night in particular, after a heated argument between her and her husband...
Something was different. This time, instead of shutting down, she was equipped with new knowledge on nervous system health, inner wounds, and neuroplasticity, and as a result, she began noticing patterns and trends that were leading to these explosive conversations between her and her husband. Something shifted in her and she shared what she was learning with her husband and it led to a massive breakthrough in their marriage.
She then started noticing a trend in how she was parenting. She applied what she was learning and she discovered it transformed her relationships with her children.
As the course progressed, she learned about the importance of community for her nervous system and soul and despite being an introvert, she decided to get more involved in her local body of believers instead of rushing in and out each Sunday.
When doing so, she ended up learning that she actually wasn't alone in her struggles and many women around her felt the time. This led her to break free from isolation and step into nurturing her community and growth with her sisters in Christ.
She also gained more confidence at work and did not feel overwhelmed before going in. She still prayed and sat in silence before going in. Not out of fear though, but out of having a heart drawn to the purposes of the Lord.
Her prayers changed from, "Lord help me not to mess up today."
"Lord, help me be the hands and feet you need to bless and serve someone today."
She felt free, aligned, and resilient.
She woke up on another Monday, 12 weeks later, this time with a new perception of life, ready to take on the day the Lord was calling her to.
Breakthrough is waiting for you too... Are you ready? Click here to start!