Is An Imbalanced Theology Causing You To View Life Through the Lens of Survival + Leading to You Run on Stress Hormones?
There is well known story by a Rabbi that goes like this:
“Everyone must have two pockets, with a note in each pocket, so that he or she can reach into one or the other, depending on the need. When feeling lowly and depressed, discouraged or disconsolate, one should reach into the right pocket, and, there, find the words: Bishvili nivra ha-olam "The world was created for me." (BT Sanhedrin 37B)
But when feeling high and mighty one should reach into the left pocket, and find the words: V’anochi afar v’efer "I am but dust and ashes." (Gen. 18:27).
After years of working one on one with Christian women, here is what I have come to notice when it comes to this concept:
Some have been taught through their upbringing + theology that a successful Christian life means constantly keeping their hands deep into the pocket that says,
"I am but dust and ashes."
This is a big deal because this imbalanced theology can have women living life through survival mode, trying to earn their salvation because they never feel good enough, or worse, living in toxic shame + running on stress hormones. This ultimately impacts us at a cellular level + can lead to chronic health problems if it is left unchecked. Why? Here is an example:
When it comes to balanced hormones and healthy ovulation, a menstruating woman's body relies on the health of her hypothalamus + the message it receives. If it receives a message of safety, her hypothalmus communicates to her pituitary gland she is safe and this leads to ovulation + healthy production of progesterone. This keeps hormones balanced each month.
If her God designed hypothalamus is picking up on a constant state of stress (increased levels of adrenaline + cortisol, imbalanced blood sugar, + a negative perception of the world, etc). The hypothalamus communicates to the pituitary that her world is not safe and this impacts ovulation + leads to low progesterone, which leads to hormone imbalances + worsening angry + depression. In short, part of balancing hormones involves keeping our world view in check.
It is true, that we are sinful, but it is not true that this should not be the constant lens we view life through.
Paul shows us a balanced theology in Romans.
He says in Roman's 7:
O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?
But let us not forget his words Romans 8:
"There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who[a] do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit."
Constantly living in a state of survival is inadvertently denying what has been done for us on the cross because our actions are showing it was not good enough and this ultimately fuels perfectionism. Perfectionism negatively shapes our worldview + impacts our health by fueling survival mode.
When a woman is constantly running on stress hormones, it leads to being prone to irritability, anger, + resentment, which sounds a lot like walking by the flesh (Galatians 5:19).
When she escapes this mindset, nourishes her body, + learns how to manage her emotions + triggers, keeping her worldview + mind in check with scripture, + covers the process in prayer, she becomes more prone to empathy, understanding, patience, self control, kindness, and living life through a lens of love. Which sounds a lot like fruits of Spirit (Galatians 5:22).
My mission is to help Christian women break free from survival mode + call them out of isolation and into community. And the first step, is awareness.
So today, I hope to remind you, if you have obeyed the gospel and are in Christ, the good Word says:
You have died to your old life (Romans 6)
You have the Holy spirit living in you (1 Cor 3:16).
You have the ability to repent when you fall short (1 John 1:9)
And there is no condemnation in you (Romans 8)
Are you living in light of this? Or are you living through the lens of a false narrative?
In other words: which pocket are your hands reaching into on a daily basis?
When a woman begins fully owning her identity in Christ, her entire world changes. This is how we get results like this:
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