How To Create Harmony During the Holidays
It is that time of the year again, where all our loved ones attempt to reconvene after months apart. If they have traveled from afar, the efforts to reunite will be a load for someone to carry. Unfortunately, the memes circulating this time of year and well into the end of December show that for many people the season is stressful. Is stress and imbalance the only way? Is it possible to have harmony during this season?
Harmony includes a sense of calmness and balance. When demands are high and motherhood or usual routines don’t slow down, what can we do to avoid being tossed about? The Lord speaks to this area of our lives and I believe the holidays demand that we tune in a little deeper to the reason behind our choices.
“Why do we do what we do?” A question I started asking myself a few years into our marriage. We were attempting to establish new family traditions amid 2 little babies, 2 deployments and 2 cross country moves within 3 years. Military life wasn’t going to slow down, but I knew my mind, body and spirit needed more harmony. From this stressful time in my life, I learned there are a lot of things I can do, but are they what I should do? With each move, baby, transition or holiday I continued to always ask myself “Why do we do what we do?”
I believe this question helps us approach the holidays more in tune with ourselves so we can navigate with grace and wisdom. We can ask ourselves this question, but also ask it of others. When there are unrealistic requests for travel with a newborn or hosting when you’re completely at capacity (mentally, physically, or spiritually), asking ourselves why can hopefully help us navigate the harmonious next step. Do we have to overextend ourselves to make everyone else happy? Is it wise to isolate yourself from family just because you need less stimulation this year? Is there a balanced middle where we can operate from a place of peace and rest?
The pain in our chest from an uncomfortable conversation or the stress in our necks from the never-ending to-do list, this is where we can make space to listen to our body. If stress tempts us to take away harmony, we can tune in closer to rebalance and gain clarity. Take moments during the morning to be still with the Lord. Do not let holiday lists or activities distract from Jesus’ constant presence that guides our every move.
“Do not be anxious,” (Phil 4:6) applies to the details of each day. The hours, moments and wonderings where you’re not sure how you’ll get it done - do not be anxious. Easily said, but your body says something else. And so we listen, we sit with the desire to do it all and ask ourselves why? Why do you do what you do? Why do you feel you must take charge over that event? Why is it hard to tell your family no? Whatever the why is for you, it’s ok to ask yourself the hard questions.
Harmony during the holidays is found in asking for the Lord’s best. It may look different each season and even every year. We can sit with Jesus and ask Him what harmony looks and feels like for our mind, body and spirit. We can ask Him to help us love those different from us, draw healthy boundaries with those that hurt us or love beyond borders for those that need it most. Jesus continues to provide the peace and balance we need during a very stressful season. May we each tune our hearts to His rhythms for our lives and walk freely in what He has for us this time of year!
With Love,
Johnna King