What is HTMA Testing?

In this post, we will discuss the history behind HTMA testing + why it is not common practice to use it today.

Your God designed body is made of minerals. They are excreted in blood, urine, but also in cells + tissue like hair. The balance of these minerals are crucial for optimal health. However, many women are walking around totally depleted and imbalanced and do not realize it.

HTMA testing is a way of assessing your mineral status and imbalances.

HTMA testing is a reflection of your nutrient minerals in relation to your stress reactions and your energy production. The patterns of nutrient minerals that are shown in a HTMA can be read like a mineral map revealing how a person may be functioning physically and psychologically.

The pioneer of HTMA testing was Dr. Schroeder who studied minerals years ago. He was the man who coined the phrase, “minerals are the basic spark plugs in the chemistry of life.”

Another highly known researcher of HTMA is a man named Dr. Rick Malter, PhD, whose states research surrounding this test began in 1975 in Phoenix, Arizona. Around this time, a man named Dr. David Watts + his colleagues were able to relate HTMA patterns to research already established on oxidation types or metabolic types that coincided with the work of psychologist Dr. George Watson.

Dr. George Watson published a great book in 1972 called Nutrition and Your Mind. If you have not read this book and are interested in learning more about the connection between mental health + nutrition, I highly recommend it!

In Watson’s work, he found that identifying a persons oxidation type gave him a better understanding of what was influencing their emotions + behaviors. Dr. Watson was using blood tests to determine this, while Dr. Watts was using HTMA testing. HTMA testing was found to be similar to blood testing, yet more precise and caught many deficiencies missed by blood testing.

Why HTMA is looked down upon:

In the early 1980's interest was gaining among doctors when it came to using HTMA testing. However, a widely publicized 1985 article attempted to discredit the HTMA. The author used a 2 person sample for his study, mixed up various cut portions of shoulder length hair (which would automatically make the results inaccurate), washed the results in his kitchen sink with tap water (which is another big no, no) and sent it to various labs for testing. Despite the results showing both girls in the study were copper toxic, the interpretation of the results was publicized in a way to discredit HTMA. The author of the article has since been deemed by the US court system to be biased and unworthy of credibility, yet continues to operate a number of slanderous websites attacking various holistic therapies and discredited HTMA testing in the eyes of the public.

Then, in 2001, another study was published and then followed by a large media campaign. They painted a picture that claimed HTMA was unreliable. Further damage was done in the public eye and this created mistrust in this testing. However, they painted a false picture.

HTMA testing is reliable and can be a tremendous tool in your health journey. There are thousands of peer reviewed articles by ARL + TEI labs.

A few inspiring stories from individuals who explored HTMA testing + experienced remarkable results:

  • Sarah, a busy mom of three, struggled with chronic fatigue and hair loss due to mineral deficiencies. She reported feeling “just totally depleted” but did not know where to begin. She was told by her doctor that “her labs were fine” but she kept searching. After undergoing HTMA testing and following a personalized mineral + nutrition plan, she noticed a significant improvement in her energy levels and hair health within just a few weeks.

  • John, a professional athlete, faced recurring muscle cramps and poor recovery. Through HTMA testing, he discovered he had a magnesium deficiency and adjusted his supplementation + nutrition plan accordingly. As a result, his muscle cramps diminished, and his performance on the field improved.

Where can I get HTMA testing done?

Megan is fully booked with One on One client’s at this time, however, you can request a HTMA test + with personalized video interpretation results here.

Where can I learn more about minerals?

Megan’s course Aligned + Renewed has an entire module on minerals and how stress can play a role in mineral deficiencies. You can learn more here.


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